Running in Chapter 1
One theme throughout Invisible Man is the idea that the narrator is running. Running from many things, his true identity, the world around him, and his past. He seems to be running until he finally falls into his hole to slow down and see what has actually happened. There are many explicit statements of this idea of running, and several implicit uses of symbolism to show this. This starts even with the first chapter of the novel. One example of an explicit mention of running from discovering his identity can be found on the last page of the first chapter. Ellison writes, "'To Whom It May Concern,' I intoned. 'Keep This Boy Running'" (33). In this quote the narrator has a dream where he opens his briefcase with his grandfather, and instead of finding the the scholarship he finds envelope within envelope with the last one reading the quote above. Here, the narrator himself clearly knows that he is trying to be kept running, yet he doesn't even ...